Be Premium, or Die...
Your window of opportunity to establish yourself as a premium security provider is shrinking
Be Premium, or Die...
As the labor market continues to shrink
The bigger security integrators will keep getting bigger
And the middle size companies will continue to suffocate and disappear
Besides the goliaths and the lone-wolf installers
The only integrators left standing will be the ones that position their company as a premium service
And can justified why
Because you won’t be able to compete on price
And it will get harder and harder to attract talent from a shrinking pool
So you need to compete in an “arena of one” by defining what makes your company unique
(hint: it’s not customer service)
And market the hell out of it
Make your customer’s decision shift from “Why should I choose you?”
To “I can only choose you, or nothing.”
Baby boomers are retiring every day
And creating a vacuum effect in the labor market that will last until ~2040
Security manufacturing companies are buying integration companies
And using them as their in-house installation arms.
Your window of opportunity to establish yourself as a premium security provider is shrinking
Raise your rates today
Use your superpower to justify it
Market the hell out of it
Say “no” to anyone who won’t pay for it
And survive to tell the story
P.S. Hire the best sales and operations talent now while their rates are still (relatively) low.