An Unlikely Ally for Security Business Owners? Your Competition…
We compared notes on the market, customers, and sales reps who had bounced through both of our companies. Soon, we started passing leads to each other when they weren't good fits for our own business.
Every security dealer has a company across town they keep tabs on.
You fist-pump the air when you beat them on bids.
And you scream expletives into your pillow when you lose projects to them.
But that company across town you thought was the competition…
Might actually be a great resource.
A few years ago, I connected with a competitor through our local BNI chapters.
We decided to grab lunch and hit it off right away.
We compared notes on the market, customers, and sales reps who had bounced through both of our companies.
Soon, we started passing leads to each other when they weren't good fits for our own businesses.
Most recently, I sold him a handful of alarm accounts.
I know he runs a solid business, so I was confident he would take care of my customers.
Now, I send him leads when phone calls come in to my old business number.
Embracing competitors as allies can lead to mutually beneficial outcomes.
And it can help fill labor gaps and provide support in times of need.
The shift? Adopt an abundance mindset and recognize there's enough work for everyone.
Who knows? The day might come when you’re in a pinch and need help getting a job done.
Ways to Network with the competition:
Networking groups
BNI groups are great because they disallow competitors to join the same chapter, but they actually incentivize meeting competitors in other chapters
Your chamber of commerce is another great resource. Look into their website and see which competitors are listed, then meet them at the next gathering.
Industry groups
Alarm Association meetings. Every state has some form of alarm association that hold regular meetings, as well as an annual conference. Here’s the alarm association in Texas where I ran my business:
ASIS most likely has a group in your area. This is the best way to meet fellow security business owners on neutral ground. The atmosphere has been great at each chapter activity I have been to, so it’s easy to strike up conversations and schedule follow-up meetings.
Facebook groups: This is a good way to meet dealers inside and out of your market.
Master Mind groups. I am starting a Security Sales Mastermind group at the beginning of 2024. Send me a note if you’re interested. This will be an excellent way to meet other dealers and network.